Delivering Authenticity
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How to Deliver a Personal Touch During Times of Uncertainty
One tried and
true method of
delivering personal
is direct mail.
In an election year when so much seems uncertain, one thing is clear: there will be an election. Time is short, money is tight, and events are unpredictable. Our election guide can help campaigns find ways to navigate this strange and uncharted landscape.
This year more
than ever, political
campaigns must reach
voters where they are:
at home.
Americans don’t feel comfortable going to a polling place1
Even with many parts of the country reopening, voters may be reluctant to attend or engage with candidates through campaign rallies, fundraising events, meet-and-greets, and door-to-door canvassing. Campaigns will need to shift in-person opportunities to connect with voters and find alternative ways to deliver the same value and personal touch.
Direct mail is unique in that it can deliver campaign messaging directly to the voter’s doorstep. Almost half of surveyed voters (46%) say they would read direct mail with information about candidates or ballot issues.3
Mail targeting allows campaigns to reach specific types of voters.8
In fact, 2 out of 3 surveyed political consultants say direct mail effectively delivers information about candidates; 1-in-3 say it is the single most effective use of direct mail.9
When you contrast candidates through mail, you give the details, back it up with citations, and directly target the voters you want to receive that message. You can’t do that on television. You can’t do that online. The mailbox is how you can get that very specific message to a unique audience without having a broader adverse effect on your campaign.”
—Direct Mail Strategist
Direct mail is a powerful part of an overall integrated media strategy to influence voter decisions.15
Half of surveyed voters say direct mail motivates them to go online to search for more information about the candidate and the campaign, while more than half (56%) say it reinforces the impact of TV campaign advertising.16
The Postal Service has several new tools – such as Informed Visibility® Service 17 and Informed Delivery® Service 18 – that allow campaigns to track their direct mail pieces and digitally integrate their direct mail program, allowing campaigns to sequence and layer messaging across channels.
If the primaries are any indication, the general election this year will be like no other previous election. Voting timelines were disrupted in more than a third of the states. Many political consultants and election experts anticipate a significant increase in voting-by-mail, early voting, and potential changes to in-person polling locations.
An AAPC Guide to Winning in 2020
—Joint Study Sponsored by the United States Postal Service