May 15, 2024

Woman smiling while casting a vote in a booth.

Are you leaving votes on the table?

To win over Millennials and Gen Z, you need to engage them.

Your campaign’s success now depends on winning over younger generations. Why? Because they are voting at historic rates compared to previous decades.1 In fact, a majority of young voters ages 18 to 34 say they’re very likely to vote in 2024, making them a potential force in the next presidential election.2

So what does this mean for your campaigns? A huge opportunity.

With months to go before the coming election, there’s still time to reach out to these key demographics and win their vote—especially those who haven’t participated in recent elections. Non-voter youth are nearly twice as likely (66% vs. 29%) as youth overall to say they don’t consider themselves either Republicans or Democrats2—opening the door for all parties and candidates to earn their support.

Millennials and Gen Z are political and issue driven.

They want information, yet campaigns are not effectively reaching them.

  • Less than 1 in 5 young people (ages 18 to 34) polled have heard about politics and issues this year from political parties or campaigns (19%).2
  • One-third of Gen Z voters wished they had known more about the candidates and their positions in the last election.3
  • Youth (ages 18 to 34) who didn’t vote in 2020 and say they’re unlikely to vote in 2024 are much less likely to have seen information about state and local elections (34% vs. 68% of other youth) or about when and where to register to vote (34% vs. 66%).2

The channel you choose matters.

While social media continues to be the top resource for candidate information, younger generations are more impacted than other generations by political mail, influencing them to take action such as making a donation.4

Gen Z and Millennials are also comparatively more likely to trust political mail more than other forms of political advertising, and they pay close attention to it:

58% of Millennials
62% of Gen Z

trust political mail more than ads online.4

73% of Millennials
59% of Gen Z

check their mail 4x a week or more.4

Bottom line.

Millennials and Gen Z are a voting force to be reckoned with. There’s significant opportunity to engage them, especially previous non-voters who typically do not identify with a party. Political mail is a powerful vehicle to help your campaign make a connection that earns their trust—and their vote.

Fact sheet cover image of a woman retrieving mail from an open mailbox.

Voter Demographic Fact Sheets.

Learn more about how to connect with these and other voter demographics to make an impact and drive action.

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